We are loving our association with the Assistants to the President. They are two elders who are assigned to help President and Sister Trayner with welcoming new missionaries, transfers, leadership training, and anything else the President needs done. They are in the Mission Office often.
We love them. They are the "Cream of the Crop" missionaries who have proven themselves worthy to work so closely with the President. They assist him in doing good.
Each morning that they come to the office they greet us with their "Good Morning" jingle and smiling faces.
They set a wonderful example to us of gospel living and sharing. They are obedient and just super young men. They work tirelessly beside the President and Sister Trayner. They truly serve the other elders and sisters. They encourage and inspire the other missionaries. They help take some of the burden off of the President.
They also help us with various tasks and are always willing to serve us. They are great!
When we first arrived the Assistants were Elder Maldonado (pictured here) and Elder Stone. They had been submitting baptism and confirmation records and doing Key Indicator Reports as well as their assignments. They were anxious to show us how to do both of those tasks so that they could focus on teaching. Elder Maldonado is a great missionary and a great young man. We adopted him quickly and love him. He is still serving his mission and has been a Zone Leader in the Mission Zone. He will be transfered next week and spend his last six weeks of his mission in Laredo. |
Elder Stone (next to Elder Choules) was great as well and we came to love him too. He was very kind and patient with us as we learned our new assignments. When he was transfered to Laredo for the last three months of his mission the new Assistant was Elder Woodman (by Sister Choules). Elder Stone finished his mission in June and we were able to meet his parents when they came and picked him up. |
Elder Woodman served with Elder Maldonado. Each new assistant has been a joy to work with and has brought a different personality to the Mission Office. Elder Woodman was a very obedient, faithful missionary and we love him. He finished his mission in June. He returned home and got married in August. |
The next Assistants were Elder Duncan (Holding the Pizza box) and Elder De La Fuente on the right. They are super young men and great missionaries too. One of their favorite things was having us take them out to Mama Mia's Pizza. We have gotten to know them really well and feel close to them. Elder Duncan extended his mission by three weeks so we added a third assistant for that time. Elder Wilson on the left brings enthusiasm and is also a great missionary. |
Elder Duncan was very interested in us and liked to hear about us. We took him with us on our road trip to pick up washers and dryers from the San Antonio Mission. He and Elder Choules were companions for the day. Elder Duncan was very helpful to us and we enjoyed his company. He also helped Elder Choules change a flat tire that we had on the trailer that day. We were grateful for him. |
We are so blessed to serve with these great missionaries. They have such a wonderful spirit with them. We can feel of their testimonies and ours are strengthened as we serve with them. Elder Duncan finished his mission in October and returned to Tremonton, Utah. He tells us he is coming to live in our basement when we get home. We would welcome him but he will probably get married before that would happen.
Elders Wilson and Munsey were the assistants when we left the mission. |